Some Helpful Answers For Critical Criteria For Astrology


The Emerging Options For Rational Tactics In [astrology]

#Cancer: The flower with big, luscious petals you can lay your head on.

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May he inspire you to believe in your power to become the person you want to be no matter what your financial situation may be. CANCER (June 21–July 22): I suggest you ignore the temptation to shop around for new heroes and champions. It would only distract you from your main assignment in the coming weeks, which is to be more of a hero and champion yourself. Here are some tips to guide you as you slip beyond your overly modest self-image and explore the liberations that may be possible when you give yourself more credit. Tip #1: Finish outgrowing the old heroes and champions who've served you well. Tip #2: Forgive and forget the disappointing heroes and hypocritical champions who betrayed their own ideals. Tip #3: Exorcise your unwarranted admiration for mere celebrities who might have snookered you into thinking they're heroes or champions. LEO (July 23–Aug 22): "A waterfall would be more impressive if it flowed the other way," said Irish writer Oscar Wilde. Normally, I would dismiss an idea like this, even though it's funny and I like funny ideas. Normally, I would regard such a negative assessment of the waterfall's true nature, even in jest, to be unproductive and enfeebling.

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