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The Astrology Of Roseanne Barrs Rise And Fall

matthew currie astrology roseanne barr A t-square like that could potentially make a person either very outspoken, or completely obnoxious… and you may have noticed that the difference between “outspoken” and “obnoxious” is mostly based on whether or not you agree with the person in question. Mars is the traditional ruler of her Scorpio Midheaven and her Sun, and her Mars has been getting a lot of very strong aspects lately. Pluto has been conjunct her Mars for a couple of years now, Neptune has been sextile it for a couple of years as well, and over the last several months Jupiter has been trine her Mars. Thus it should be no surprise that she has experienced a big career resurgence recently. But what transit could have possibly pulled the rug out from under her career so quickly? Normally in a situation like this you would be looking at difficult aspects to her Midheaven or Midheaven ruler. Transiting Jupiter is square the modern ruler of her Midheaven, which is Pluto. That’s a transit that could potentially spell trouble for the career, but in and of itself doesn’t account for the dramatic overnight crash and burn she experienced. Believe it or not, we can blame much of this on the Moon. On Monday night when Roseanne went off the rails on Twitter, there was a Full Moon in effect opposite her natal Moon in Gemini.

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